Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bucs' Website Bans Link to Seattle Times

As posted on AOL Sports, and based on an original report by ProFootballTalk, the Buc's official website has banned members from posting a link to the Seattle Times story about Jerramy Stevens.


I understand the organization is probably deeply frustrated by the seemingly never-ending public outcry about this story, but how many more dumb PR moves are they going to make? How does banning access to information help make a case for the signing? If you have a problem with the story, then make a case against the story. But by openly preventing others from even reading it is essentially an open admission you find the article inconvenient and embarrassing.

Though, let's be honest, we really shouldn't be all that surprised considering these were the same people who were so confident of the Stevens signing in the first place that they released the announcement of it late on a Friday night.

The obvious question now is: how much more pain can the Bucs take? How much more community venting has to happen before the team realizes the costs outweigh any minimal benefit of Stevens' presence on the squad? One thing for certain: this story is not going to go away. In fact, it now seems to be catching on nationally, which likely spells even more trouble.


Anonymous said...

Let me ask everyone a question - All of you that are so "outraged"...are you going to show up to any games this year and cheer for the Bucs?...Cause if you do - you are a hypocrite - cheering for the Bucs is cheering for Stevens.

Anonymous said...

Abandon my team because of a turd or two , I don't think so. I will watch on tv and cheer for my team. I will not buy Buc gear or go to games! That is my way to protest.
I can tell a court document from an opinion piece. Something most of you Stevens supporters are having a problem with! I can also have a debate without juvenile comments and name calling. The article comments in support of Stevens on the local newspaper websites were embarrassing for any Buc's fan.

Anonymous said...

So what would be your reaction if Stevens catches a TD pass to win your beloved Bucs a Super Bowl?...Guarantee youd be thrilled..just like 90 percent of the people on here. If you support the Bucs - you are supporting Stevens.

Anonymous said...

I haven't liked Gruden for 2 years, I liked Bruce Allen until the resigning of Stevens. I still root for the Buc's. I am trying to right a wrong , not destroy a team. The best way to do this is hit them in the wallet.I am letting it be known to the Buc's and to their advertisers how I feel about this. Just where do you stand ?